par admin2125 | Mar 14, 2023 | Anglais, Récits
meet the Sultan of Egypt Saint Francis before the Sultan al-Kâmil (Trial by fire). Giotto di Bondone 1295. Fresco in the Basilica of Saint Francis, Italy This meeting took place in Damietta in 1219 in the middle of the fifth crusade. In this plain of Egypt, two armies...
par admin2125 | Mar 14, 2023 | Anglais, Récits
Moses Maimonides or Rabbi Moshe ben Maimon is one of the greatest Jewish thinkers of the Middle Ages, who sought to reconcile the thought of Aristotle and biblical revelation. Great Jewish intellectual of the Mediterranean, his thought enriched by Greek, Muslim and...
par admin2125 | Mar 14, 2023 | Italien, Rencontres
Dal 18 al 24 settembre 2023, i giovani di 25-35 anni, provenienti dalle cinque sponde del Mediterraneo, si incontreranno a Marsiglia per una settimana di lavoro sulle grandi sfide poste dal Mediterraneo per la costruzione della pace nel mondo. Verranno affrontati da...
par admin2125 | Mar 14, 2023 | Anglais, Rencontres
From September 18 to 24, 2023, young people aged 25-35, from the five shores of the Mediterranean, will meet in Marseille for a week of work on the major challenges posed by the Mediterranean for the construction of peace in the world. Will be approached from...
par admin2125 | Mar 14, 2023 | Français, Rencontres
Du 18 au 24 septembre 2023, des jeunes de 25-35 ans, venus des cinq rives de la Méditerranée, se réuniront à Marseille pour une semaine de travail sur les grands défis que pose la Méditerranée pour la construction de la paix dans le monde. Seront abordés sous...