MED 24

15-21 September 2024


Sunday 15th September

Registration, and accommodation
18:00 Welcome and opening session
19:00 Dinner


Monday 16th September

8:30 Welcome coffee/registration of participants
9:00 Presentation time within groups
10:30 Cultural visit of downtown and the Mosque
11:15 Visit to the Prime Minister’s office
13:00 Lunch
14:30 Visit to the Orthodox Cathedral
16:00 Roundtable and testimonies
17:20 Coffee break
18:00 Holy Mass at the Catholic Cathedral ( Attending optional )
19:00 Diocesan fest dinner


Tuesday 17th September

8:30 Welcome coffee at the Palace of Congress
9:00 Conference at the Palace of Congress
11:30 Meeting with the Speaker of Parliament
12:30 Buffet at the Parliament
14:00 Bus ride to Shkoder
17:00 Worktime at Rozafa’s Castle
19:00 Dinner at Peace Village
20:15 Walking tour through downtown Shkode

Wednesday 18th September

7:30 Breakfast
9:00 Time for a guided meditation personal and in group
12:00 Lunch
14:00 Visit to the Museum of Remembrance
14:45 Walk to the Clarisse Monastery – Group discussions.
16:00 Visit to the Marubi Museum
18:00 Arrival to “Mrizi Zanave” Agroturism, visit and dinner
20:00 Bus ride to Tirana


Thursday 19th September

8:30 Welcome coffee
09:00 Morning workshop session between Bishops and youths
10:15 Coffee break
10:45 Working group session
12:15 Lunch
13:00 Free time
15:00 Afternoon workshop section between Bishops and youths
16:15 Coffee Break
16:30 Working group sessions
18:00 Holy Mass
19:00 Dinner


Friday 20th September

8:00 Departure to Fier
10:00 Visit of the Arkeological Pak of Apollonia
13:00 Lunch
14:00 Visit Monastery of Ardenica
16:00 Bus ride to Tirana
18:00 Closing feast

Saturday 21st September

8:30 Welcome coffee
9:00 Closing workshop
12:00 Lunch